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the next day, stick terrier did not go to school, but heartless he can not see a little sad, with his sister in the courtyard to play very happy.

Yi 'an has not yet gone to school, an uncle is busy these days, no time to arrange him to go to school.

Stick terrier with sister to find easy to play, an aunt a little uneasy, asked them to play in the courtyard, and from time to time also e out to see.

Stick terrier looks down on easy An this coward, also have others to look at, play for a while he left with his sister ran, easy an had to go back.

terrier is letting himself go, taking his sister around, and he thinks it's a good idea not to go to school.

he's heartless on his side, and his mother's a little frustrated.

qin huai Ru originally planned to ask for leave today, but the thought of asking for leave and deduct money, gave up the idea. made it to school without lunch.

Ran qiuye looked at qinhuai Ru, stood up to receive, \"Jia terrier mother, you e ah, I also want to find you, you sit first.\"

qinhuai Ru sat down on the anxious inquiry, \"Ran teacher, did you hear about the stick?\"

\"I didn't know about it until this morning. I only heard about it when mr. Yan asked Stick terrier for leave. I didn't know the whole story until I asked the students in my class.\"

\"well, do many people know about it?\"

\"well, quite a lot, you know, children are very childlike and they say everything in a group, and I suppose it's getting around now.

mother Jia terrier, this is not a small matter, can not be neglected, the impact on the child is not small, you tell me whether it is true.\"

qinhuai Ru embarrassed to rub his hands, she was embarrassed to say export.

\"oh, that's not true. qiangbei is really naughty in the yard. boys are always naughty and sometimes they have quarrels.

Ran qiuye did not understand. It was estimated that 80 or 90 percent of the stories were true, but she was a teacher and could not ignore the students in her class.

\"well, don't worry, Jia terrier's mother. Let Jia terrier rest at home for a few days. I'll take you to the principal and react with him.

Ran qiuye got up with qinhuai Ru went to the principal's office.

principal Zhang saw miss Ran e in with a woman and beckon them to sit down. \"miss Ran, what's the matter?\"

Ran qiuye told the whole story and asked the headmaster what to do.

president Zhang still has some impression on the rod terrier family. of course, it is not a good impression. Every year, there is always the name Jia terrier.

\"Jia terrier's mother, you can rest assured that the school will take care of this matter. Such a big thing happened to students at school, our school is bound to help you solve this problem.

but I still want to say, home education also have to keep up with ah, children naughty is a small matter, but can not develop the habit of petty theft, this for children's education can be taken seriously ah.\"

president Zhang had seen much of the world, and from these few words he guessed that the stick was not a fuel-saving light at home. Nine times out of ten, it was true. he took the opportunity to beat it.

qinhuai Ru which tube speak, repeatedly nod, ensure to go back to educate their children.

Zhang saw two people out, the principal called the guard, let the security to a trip.

After a while two security guards knocked on the door, the principal Zhang said it again, asked them to two days after school, must carefully observe, see what suspicious people take down, or to give students parents an account.

different from Jia's trouble, he Yuzhu now but meng is very, looking at the smiling face of director Li, he felt how the world suddenly changed so fast, let him a little off-guard.

It starts about an hour ago.

he Yuzhu skillfully squeezed a pinch of tea, filled with hot water, and crossed his legs. this day, the gods did not change.

\"boom, boom, boom.\"

\"e in, please.\"

Knock on the door interrupted he Yuzhu leisurely life, looking at the door to e in, his head rose a few question marks, who is this ah.

\"director he, I'm ma ma. director Li asks you to e here. Is it convenient for you now?\"

he Yuzhu looked at his smiling face wrinkled, immediately feel cold back, this should be a weasel to chicken New Year, director Li can call himself why, a look is uneasy good.

\"I'm fine now. Let's go. don't keep director Li waiting.\" he Yuzhu ready to see the move open move, see Li director gourd in the end to sell what medicine.

\"e in, please.\"

Secretary ma opened the door, \"director Li, director he is ing.\" then he went out and closed the door. only he Yuzhu and director Li were left in the room.

director Li stood up and quickly came to hold he Yuzhu's hand, \"the rain column is ing ah, sit down, drink what tea, I pour for you.\"

he Yuzhu suddenly felt a goosebumps all fell on the ground, this is still the director Li and his right, he is not taking the wrong medicine today, how big the attitude change.

\"No, no, director Li, just help yourself. You sit down. I'll do it myself.\"

director Li still gave he Yuzhu poured a cup of tea, he sat back, \"Rain pillar, don't abandon ah, I also don't what good tea, today will do it.\"

he Yuzhu waved his hand without speaking, looking at director Li to see what he wanted to do.

director Li picked up the teacup, gently blew on it for a few breaths, took a delicious sip, and said nonchalantly, \"Is minister xx oK? I heard some time ago that he was feeling a little sick. Now he should be all right.\"

he Yuzhu heard the name subconscious a little meng, who is this ah, immediately react, this is not the big leadership, he has been called the big leadership, heard the name also did not react.

Now he Yuzhu know today director Li this out is what to use, originally he is heard of his relationship with the big leader ah, no wonder.

Although he did not often go to the leader's house during these times, he would go four or five times a month. they got along well with each other. they played chess and chatted, but their relationship was getting better and better.

Although he did not know what director Li was going to do, he did not mind that he was acting like a tiger, and the people behind director Li were of high rank.

In addition, director Li took down director Yang when the wind blew, and in the rolling steel mill, although it is still early, but it seems that it is time to consider this problem.

pretend to be willing to take the opportunity to make friends seems to have said in the past, pulling the tiger's skin with a big tail wolf, this thing he can be too familiar.

\"Ah, you mean the big leader ah, he did not feel very well a few days ago, but the good conditioning, these days early good, the morning to cook at home, the big leader can also eat two bowls of rice, appetite is very good.\"

director Li got the exact answer after also at ease, then feel envy envy, he Yuzhu with a hand to cook on the minister's appreciation.

think about yourself, at the beginning for the power status, married the current wife, although the father-in-law gave him great support, he is now in a very stable position, after some time, when Lao Yang made mistakes, it is easy for him to further.

but whenever he went back to face his wife at home at night, he felt a burst of heartache, but in order to the future, he had to keep patience.

Recently, I heard from my father-in-law that the minister appreciates a cook in a rolling mill. on second thought, this is not he Yuzhu. After a few days of not seeing him, he established such a good relationship with the leader.

big leader is half a level higher than his father-in-law, is also the old leader of Lao Yang, otherwise he would have brought down Lao Yang, which also need to be the second in mand.

\"So ah, rain pillar you really good luck, can get the minister's appreciation, it seems that your future is unlimited ah, developed in the future don't forget elder brother ah.\"

\"hey, director Li, what are you talking about? I'm just a cook and I don't have much ambition. I like drinking tea and reading newspapers.

big leaders also often scold me unambitious, small wealth, but no way ah, I am such a character, canteen director for me just right, also have no mind to go up.

I am not like director Li you, young and vigorous, it is a great opportunity to show hands and feet, developed in the future can not forget me ah.\"

he Yuzhu put the words very clear, he likes the position of canteen director, not not on the just right, his current personality is lazy, happy-go-lucky, don't want to go official career.

plus, after a few years of storms, he didn't want to get involved in such a big thing. It was just right for a small place like a rolling mill.

Now when a small transparent, and director Li good relations, do not have to take advantage of director Li, usually social exchanges, it is estimated that he will not liquidate himself.

when the wind is calm, it is not the sky is high and the birds fly, the sea is wide by diving, looking for the opportunity to resign, go into the sea to do business, more freedom.

Although director Li is a little unhappy, his purpose today is to pull what Yuzhu to his camp, did not expect this what Yuzhu is not slippery autumn, and he played a tai chi.

but hear he Yuzhu said he did not want to rise, he was relieved, he was also afraid of he Yuzhu on the minister to a few jump, the impact of their own control rolling mills.

Although today's purpose did not reach, but also be and he Yuzhu talk, eliminate the unhappy before, as for he Yuzhu and Yang director of good relations, he actually does not care, if the fall of Lao Yang, he believes he Yuzhu will make the right choice.

\"ha ha ha, rain column you are really a small slimy, oK, that you today I can take seriously, after work encounter what, also can e to me, don't always go to Yang director, he is sometimes very busy, right.\"

\"well, you can't refuse me when I e to see director Li.\"

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